
Overcoming Dyslexia by Sally Shaywitz , M.D.
Best Selling Book:
One in five American children has trouble reading. But they are not stupid or lazy. In Overcoming Dyslexia, Dr. Sally Shaywitz, codirector of the Yale Center for the Study of Learning and Attention and a leader in the new research into how the brain works, offers the latest information about reading problems and proven, practical techniques that, along with hard work and the right help, can enable anyone to overcome them. Here are the tools that parents and teachers need to help the dyslexic child, age by age, grade by grade, step by step.
Best Selling Book:
One in five American children has trouble reading. But they are not stupid or lazy. In Overcoming Dyslexia, Dr. Sally Shaywitz, codirector of the Yale Center for the Study of Learning and Attention and a leader in the new research into how the brain works, offers the latest information about reading problems and proven, practical techniques that, along with hard work and the right help, can enable anyone to overcome them. Here are the tools that parents and teachers need to help the dyslexic child, age by age, grade by grade, step by step.

The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan by Ben Foss
After years of battling with a school system that did not understand his dyslexia and the shame that accompanied it, renowned activist and entrepreneur Ben Foss is not only open about his dyslexia, he is proud of it. In The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan he shares his personal triumphs and failures so that you can learn from his experiences, and provides a three-step approach for success.
After years of battling with a school system that did not understand his dyslexia and the shame that accompanied it, renowned activist and entrepreneur Ben Foss is not only open about his dyslexia, he is proud of it. In The Dyslexia Empowerment Plan he shares his personal triumphs and failures so that you can learn from his experiences, and provides a three-step approach for success.

The Dyslexia Advantage by Brock L. Eide, M.D. M.A., and Fernett F. Eide, M.D.
Blending personal stories with hard science, The Dyslexic Advantage provides invaluable advice on how parents, educators, and individuals with dyslexia can recognize and use the strengths of the dyslexic learning style in: material reasoning (used by architects and engineers); interconnected reasoning (scientists and designers), narrative reasoning (novelists and lawyers); and dynamic reasoning (economists and entrepreneurs.)
Blending personal stories with hard science, The Dyslexic Advantage provides invaluable advice on how parents, educators, and individuals with dyslexia can recognize and use the strengths of the dyslexic learning style in: material reasoning (used by architects and engineers); interconnected reasoning (scientists and designers), narrative reasoning (novelists and lawyers); and dynamic reasoning (economists and entrepreneurs.)

A Child's Touchstone by Lorraine Donovan
A Child's Touchstone, dyslexia guidance for "less than perfect" Parents, Teachers and Pediatricians, perfectly explains, step-by-step, the questions, answers and solutions to successfully navigate outcomes that benefit dyslexic children and future generations.
A Child's Touchstone, dyslexia guidance for "less than perfect" Parents, Teachers and Pediatricians, perfectly explains, step-by-step, the questions, answers and solutions to successfully navigate outcomes that benefit dyslexic children and future generations.

Dyslexia Advocate! by Kelli Sandman-Hurley
Dyslexia Advocate! is an invaluable tool for parents trying to negotiate a complex legal system in order to get the best outcome for their child. It is an essential guide for anyone who is considering acting as an advocate for a child with dyslexia.
Dyslexia Advocate! is an invaluable tool for parents trying to negotiate a complex legal system in order to get the best outcome for their child. It is an essential guide for anyone who is considering acting as an advocate for a child with dyslexia.
Books for Children:

Thank you, Mr. Falker by Patricia Polacco
California Dyslexia Guidelines:
Bright Solutions for Dyslexia
Barton Reading and Spelling System
Learning Ally
Dyslexia Voice
Wrights Law Special Education and Advocacy
International Dyslexia Association
The Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity
California Parent Training and Information (PTI) Centers:
Local Pediatric Physician:
Pamela Loman, PH.D.
1008 5th Street
Santa Rosa, CA 95404
(707) 490-2241
[email protected]
(707) 953-2118
(707) 953-2118