“She loves to teach: in fact I’ve always felt that’s her true calling in life. She will be able to think out of the box to reach students of different skill levels and backgrounds. She will have their best interests at heart; her integrity is second to none.”
J. Fritz, parent
“…Jeanne-Marie has demonstrated tremendous integrity, commitment and passion especially in the areas of literacy and education of both children and adults.”
C. Williams, parent
"I was pleased to learn that he got 100% on his first portfolio for English Class. Thank you so much."
F. Kenworthy, parent
"You are magical!!! [He] has not put this book down since yesterday. He even slept with it. . .This is the first book he has EVER read like this. . .You've unlocked something in him. He came alive with that book last night. All of a sudden, he could do it and his confidence was incredible to see. Thank you SO much."
J. Maria, parent
"[Her] teacher shared with me right before vacation that she has noticed a huge improvement in Z's reading and confidence around reading lately. As always, your support and instruction has such an amazing impact. Thank you."
M. Lesser-Schoelles, parent
" . . . there isn't any one to replace YOU. You are quite amazing ...your dedication and commitment and expertise...Ugh!!! So very grateful for the time [she] had with you."
K. Bruk, parent
"You are the angel we have been desperately needing for T!! In this short time I already feel such a sense of hope and I am so very excited and thankful to have met you!! We have felt so lost and just didn’t know what to do and how to approach things, including not knowing if what the school was doing was best for T."
C. Otto, parent
**References available upon request
[email protected]
(707) 953-2118
(707) 953-2118